Basically Joomla uses capital first letters for PHP classes (and for each segment of a fully-qualified classname), for the PHP files which contain PHP class definitions, and the subdirectories under the src folder (which contains the classes). This is because it follows the PHP PSR-4 recommendation
Everywhere else it uses small letters at the start of filenames and folders.
There's more information (plus an explanatory video) on namespaces at ... amespaces/
Information on manifest files at You should use <filename> inside the <files> section. You can check the install has worked by examining the files in the target directory (eg components/com_HCOConcerts). However, when you install an update for a component Joomla just copies into the target directories the new files defined in the manifest. If there's an old file from a previous install in that directory, but it's not specified in the manifest file for the latest update, then Joomla won't delete it.
If you're using Joomla SEF URLs on your site then you'll need to define a router for your component, so I expect this will have been done for your Joomla 3 version - it should be in a file called router.php in your site development directory. Some information on how to go about it for Joomla 4 at ... s/routing/.
Everywhere else it uses small letters at the start of filenames and folders.
There's more information (plus an explanatory video) on namespaces at ... amespaces/
Information on manifest files at You should use <filename> inside the <files> section. You can check the install has worked by examining the files in the target directory (eg components/com_HCOConcerts). However, when you install an update for a component Joomla just copies into the target directories the new files defined in the manifest. If there's an old file from a previous install in that directory, but it's not specified in the manifest file for the latest update, then Joomla won't delete it.
If you're using Joomla SEF URLs on your site then you'll need to define a router for your component, so I expect this will have been done for your Joomla 3 version - it should be in a file called router.php in your site development directory. Some information on how to go about it for Joomla 4 at ... s/routing/.
Statistics: Posted by robbiej — Sat May 18, 2024 9:05 pm